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Passport Requirements

Indian e-Visa Application requires an Ordinary Passport. Learn about every detail for your Passport to enter India for Indian Tourist e-Visa, Indian Medical e-Visa or Indian Business e-Visa. Every detail is covered here comprehensively.

If you are applying for the Online Indian Visa for your trip to India you can now do so online as the Government of India has made available an electronic or e-Visa for India. In order to apply for the same you need to meet certain Indian e-Visa Document Requirements and also provide soft copies of these documents before your application is accepted. Some of these required documents are specific to the purpose of your visit to the India and consequently the kind of Visa you are applying for, that is, Tourist e-Visa for the purposes of tourism, recreation or sightseeing, Business e-Visa for the purposes of business of trade, Medical e-Visa and Medical Attendant e-Visa for the purposes of medical treatment and accompanying the patient getting the treatment. But there are also certain documents that are required for all of these Visas. One of these documents, and the most important of them all, is a soft copy of your Passport. What follows below is a complete guide to help you with all of the Indian Visa Passport Requirements. If you follow these guidelines and meet all the other requirements you can apply for the Indian e-Visa online without needing to visit your local Indian Consulate or Embassy.

Indian Immigration has made the entire Indian e-Visa Application process online – from research, application filing, payment, documentation upload scan copies of passport and face photograph, payment by credit/debit card and receipt of Indian e-Visa dispatch to the application by Email.

Essential Passport Requirements for Indian e-Visa Application

When applying for an Indian e-Visa, regardless of the type you’re seeking, having a valid Passport is imperative. Here’s a comprehensive guide to meeting the necessary passport criteria to ensure a smooth application process.

Understanding Indian Visa Passport Requirements

To begin with, your Passport copy, either electronic or scanned, must be submitted alongside your application. However, it’s crucial to note that only Ordinary or Regular Passports are acceptable. Official, Diplomatic, Refugee Passports, or any other travel documents won’t suffice.

Ensuring Passport Validity

One of the primary requirements is that your Passport remains valid for at least six months from your intended entry date into India. Failure to meet this criterion will render your application ineligible. Thus, it’s imperative to double-check your Passport’s expiration date before proceeding with the application process.

Renewal Considerations

Should your Passport fall short of the six-month validity threshold, it’s essential to renew it before initiating your e-Visa application. By doing so, you ensure compliance with the Indian Visa Passport Validity condition, thereby avoiding unnecessary delays or rejections.

Checking Blank Page Requirements

While not explicitly mentioned during the application process, it’s vital to ensure your Passport contains a minimum of two blank pages. Although these pages may not be visible in your online submission, immigration officers at Indian airports require them for entry and exit stamps.

Biographical Information

The biographical page of your passport contains critical information that must be visible and legible for e-Visa processing:

Full Name

Your passport should display your full name exactly as it appears on your e-Visa application and other travel documents.

Date of Birth

The passport must clearly indicate your date of birth, which should match the information provided in your e-Visa application.


Your nationality should be prominently stated on the passport, confirming your citizenship status.

Passport Requirements

Passport Photograph

Passports typically include a photograph of the holder, which must accurately represent your current appearance. Ensure the photo meets the requirements specified by the Indian government for visa applications.

Passport Details Page

The details page of your passport contains specific information that is crucial for e-Visa processing:

Passport Number

Your passport number serves as a unique identifier and must be clearly visible on the details page.

Issue and Expiry Dates

Verify that the passport’s issue and expiry dates fall within the validity period required for India e-Visa applications.

Issuing Authority

The issuing authority of your passport should be indicated on the details page, providing additional verification of its authenticity.

Additional Requirements for Certain Nationalities

Some nationalities may have additional requirements or restrictions when applying for an India e-Visa. It’s essential to consult the official guidelines provided by the Indian government to ensure compliance.

Passport Scan Specifications for India Visa Passport Requirements

Government of India has certain requirements, kindly read through these details to avoid rejection of your Indian Visa (e-Visa India) application.

The scanned copy of your Passport that you upload on your application for the Indian Visa Online (e-Visa India) needs to be in accordance with certain specifications that meet the Indian Visa Passport Requirements. These are:

  • You can upload a scan or electronic copy of your Passport that can be taken with a phone camera.
  • It is not necessary to take Scan or Photograph of your Passport with a professional scanner.
  • Passport photo/scan must be clear and of good quality and high resolution.
  • You can upload your Passport scan in the following file formats: PDF, PNG, and JPG.
  • The scan should be large enough that it is clear and all the details on it are legible. This is not mandated by the Government of India but you should make sure that it is at least 600 pixels by 800 pixels in height and width so that it is a good quality image that is clear and legible.
  • The default size for the scan of your Passport required by the Indian Visa application is 1 Mb or 1 Megabyte. It shouldn’t be larger than this. You can check the size of the scan by right-clicking on the file on your PC and clicking on Properties and you’ll be able to see the size in the General tab in the window that opens up.
  • If you are not able to upload your Passport Photo attachment via an email to us provided on the home page of Indian Visa Online website
  • The Passport scan shouldn’t be blurred.
  • Passport scan should be in colour, not black and white or Mono.
  • The contrast of the image should be even and it shouldn’t be too dark or too light.
  • The image shouldn’t be dirty or smudged. It should not be noisy or of low quality or too small. It should be in Landscape mode, not Portrait. The image should be straight, not skewed. Make sure there is no flash on the image.
  • The MRZ (the two strips at the bottom of the Passport) should be clearly visible.

To easily apply for an Indian e-Visa, follow these guidelines, ensure you have all necessary documents, meet eligibility conditions, and apply 4-7 days before your travel. The application process is straightforward, but for clarifications, contact the Indian e-Visa Help Desk.

Tips for Ensuring Your Passport Meets India e-Visa Requirements

  • Review your passport well in advance of your travel dates to address any potential issues.
  • Keep your passport in good condition, free from damage or alterations that could hinder its validity.
  • Double-check all information on your passport to ensure accuracy and consistency with your e-Visa application.

FAQs on India e-Visa Passport Requirements

Can I apply for an India e-Visa with a passport that expires soon?

Yes, as long as your passport remains valid for at least six months beyond your intended arrival date in India.

Are there any specific requirements for passport photographs?

Yes, passport photographs must meet certain criteria regarding size, background color, and facial expression. Refer to the official guidelines for detailed specifications.

Do I need to send my physical passport when applying for an India e-Visa?

No, the e-Visa application process is entirely online, and you only need to upload a digital scan of your passport’s biographical page.

Can I travel to India with a damaged passport?

It’s not advisable to travel with a damaged passport, as it may lead to complications during immigration and visa processing. Consider renewing your passport if it shows signs of wear or damage.

How long does it take to process an India e-Visa application?

Typically, e-Visa applications are processed within a few business days. However, it’s recommended to apply well in advance of your intended travel dates to account for any unforeseen delays.